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Migrate to v1.2

Updating the SDK from version 1.1.z to 1.2.z is an easy task for Kotlin projects as there are no (runtime-) breaking changes introduced. Java projects might need some additional work due to the Java compatibility changes.


We've introduced a rewritten WebSocket API to make it easier to receive realtime events from the Jellyfin server. Lean more on the WebSockets page. The old WebSocket code is still available but will be removed entirely in v1.3.

Java compatibility

This version introduces new helpers for Java compatibility. Previous helpers have been renamed or removed.

  • Removed JavaCallback
  • Renamed JavaDataCallback to JavaResponseContinuation
  • Added JavaFlow to receive flow data

Note that we still recommend writing code using the SDK in Kotlin.

Exception for missing base url

Previously when calling an API without a URL set in the ApiClient an IllegalArgumentException was thrown. This has now been changed to a newly introduced MissingBaseUrlException that extends our existing ApiClientException.

Released under the LGPL-3.0 license.