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constructor(api: ApiClient)


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suspend fun getMusicGenre(genreName: String, userId: <Error class: unknown class>? = null): Response<<Error class: unknown class>>

Gets a music genre, by name.

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suspend fun getMusicGenres(request: <Error class: unknown class> = GetMusicGenresRequest()): Response<<Error class: unknown class>>
suspend fun getMusicGenres(startIndex: Int? = null, limit: Int? = null, searchTerm: String? = null, parentId: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, fields: Collection<<Error class: unknown class>>? = emptyList(), excludeItemTypes: Collection<<Error class: unknown class>>? = emptyList(), includeItemTypes: Collection<<Error class: unknown class>>? = emptyList(), isFavorite: Boolean? = null, imageTypeLimit: Int? = null, enableImageTypes: Collection<<Error class: unknown class>>? = emptyList(), userId: <Error class: unknown class>? = null, nameStartsWithOrGreater: String? = null, nameStartsWith: String? = null, nameLessThan: String? = null, sortBy: Collection<<Error class: unknown class>>? = emptyList(), sortOrder: Collection<<Error class: unknown class>>? = emptyList(), enableImages: Boolean? = true, enableTotalRecordCount: Boolean? = true): Response<<Error class: unknown class>>

Gets all music genres from a given item, folder, or the entire library.